Did you know that cotton is one of the most important natural raw materials for textile production? However, currently only 1% of it is grown organically. Conventional non-organic farming is characterized by monocultures, excessive tillage, artificial irrigation, and intensive use of chemical pesticides and synthetic fertilizers that threaten insect, bird, and small animal populations. Expensive chemicals disrupt their food chain, poison the soil, and are very harmful to human and environmental health.
The expensive seeds and ever-increasing price pressures are also causing financial hardship for farming families and worsening their living conditions.
Fortunately, there are sustainable farming methods such as regenerative, organic agriculture, which is considerate of natural resources, flora and fauna, and people. It deals consciously and intensively with the regeneration of the entire ecosystem.
Did you know that it takes 3 years for cotton to be certified as organic? A long and very hard time for all cotton farmers, who are hardly rewarded for it. By participating in the Raddis® System, we grow our own cotton with the cotton farmers in South-East India. Working directly with the families there allows us to improve their living conditions and contributes to a positive ecological impact throughout the ecosystem.

RADDIS stands for RADically DISruptive and provides a comprehensive and regenerative farming concept for transparent and promising ways to rethink and transform the cotton value chain in a sustainable way. For continuous, regenerative agriculture.

• Reduction of water consumption, as Raddis® crops are fed only by rainfall
• Increase in biodiversity
• Elimination of toxic pesticides
• Avoidance of GMOs (genetically modified organisms)
• Abandonment of synthetic fertilizers
• Sequestration of carbon in the soil
• Reduction of CO₂ emissions
• Doubling the income of smallholder farmers through higher premiums and lower farming costs
The innovative Raddis® Cotton System aims to sustainably transform the cotton value chain. Moving away from conventional, degenerative, to regenerative, organic cotton farming. Currently, Raddis® cotton is conversion cotton. This means cotton from farmers whose farms are currently in the process of conversion and will in future only grow cotton in accordance with the NPOP organic standard (National Program for Organic Production).

Raddis® has developed a holistic model for this, in which the focus is on a variety of different plants in addition to cotton. This is because Raddis® views regenerative agriculture as a holistic ecosystem. From the use of natural plants and their specific functions such as pest and disease control, nutrition through nitrogen fixation, organic fertilizer or windbreaks, to avoiding excessive tillage: the mix promotes biodiversity, ensures healthy humus and produces resilient soils. At the same time, it provides food and additional income to farm families.

As a partner in the Raddis®System, we actively contribute to regenerative cotton cultivation methods in South-East India and make a long-term commitment by consistently accompanying a relevant transformation path: from conventional, degenerative cotton cultivation to regenerative, organic cotton cultivation.
Our commitment with the Raddis®System creates jobs in South-East India, secures the sustainable livelihood of small farming families and enables them to participate without risk in an important transformation process that guarantees them good living conditions and contributes to the cultivation of sustainable, organic cotton.
For a holistic food, agriculture and textile process in which ecosystems regenerate. For the sake of our planet and people.
From the very first harvest of our cooperation with Raddis® Cotton, a small but fine collection of muslin cloths has been created. Close to nature. The natural dyed cloths of the fine swaddle collection are soft pre-washed with soap nuts and dyed with vegetable dyes. For a good feeling, in every way.
Our limited edition muslin cloth collection made from regenerative cotton supports a holistic ecosystem that helps improve the livelihoods of needy farming families in South-East India and restores soil health, biodiversity and the environment. For the sake of our planet and people.
More about Raddis®